Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Foundation 7

I recently attended the Foundation 7 Musical Graduation and it was amazing.

The performances by graduating students were marvelous.

There was a special item on the program - The Introduction of violin classes and the teacher, was Dr. Mendez of Sri Lanka. I was so ignorant about violin. I was under the impression that is was b.o.r.i.n.g.

But I had to put a sock in my mouth when she (Dr. Mendez) played.
The way she romanced her violin, and how she played I literally thought I heard people singing. The experience, as Oprah would say, was a "aw aw" moment for me.

Following her performance, I immediately signed up for the classes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Here beyonce's new video, single ladies.....(the first one) the second one is her and Justin Timberlake on SNL, the others are ..... well u be the

Saturday, November 8, 2008

No laughing Matter!

Boemerang - Click here for another funny movie.

This video is in a different language, but you don’t need a translation to find it rather amusing. The man with the mini-fro has some vocal chord damage that has led to an interesting voice the host is ill prepared to handle, to say the least.

Can you believe this?